Doing a meaningful earned media campaign will often require researching the right outlets to approach and being thoughtful with your pitch. A spray-and-pray approach will rarely get results; each pitch has to be customized for the outlet. When it comes to earned media, having a publicist’s help can be invaluable, especially if they have deep knowledge of the media outlets pertaining to your book. Give them a specific task or mission for the best results, e.g., “I want to be on as many podcasts as possible that reach an audience of romance readers.”

The worst way to pitch yourself to the media is by saying, “I have a new book out.” You have to connect the book’s message or themes—or connect yourself and your background—to things important to the media outlet.

Some media outlets will only cover your book if it’s new. Others don’t care how old it is, as long as it has a relevant message—something that resonates given current events.